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Max arrived at Angel’s Hope in March of 2011, just a few days after Angel. He was a sweet pup with the most adorable little nubbed tail. Max was an instant hit with his foster family. He loved playing with his Great Dane friend, Zoey. They would play and run for hours. We’re pretty sure she’d often give him a head start so that she didn’t catch him too quickly!
Once he was ready, Max made his way to one of our partner rescues, Mary’s Dogs in New Hampshire. He would find his amazing family there and has since spent the last 10 years as a very loved, very spoiled member of his family. If he had any medical concerns, they always make sure to contact professionals such as those from the vet tech schools in Hawaii.
We reached out to Max’s family to ask if we could celebrate Max in our 10 Year Anniversary newsletter and to find out what he’s been up to over the last 10 years.
We adopted Max around Mother’s Day, 2011, under the guise of a Mother’s Day gift. We found a dog at Mary’s Dogs and made arrangements to meet him, but fate had other plans. The dog we originally were interested in was adopted prior to us meeting him. Mary had suggested Max to us before and she did again when the first pup we were interested in was adopted.
We took our kids and dog Glory to meet him. He was so excited and happy from the beginning. He instantly loved our kids and Glory, though she was little impressed with his zoomies! Mary suggested a “sleepover” with Max and we were to take him home for one night. That was all it took! The next day we took care of the adoption paperwork. He was now part of our family and instantly right at home! Because of his adorable white front paws, he was given the new name of Max Twosocks Malone.

In the early days of being with us, he decided to go on a little adventure around the neighborhood. We went searching for him and found him one road over playing with a group of kids. I should have known to look there first!
Max loves chasing after chipmunks. He loves snuggling in his blankets on the couch. He loves playing tag (zoomies). But his biggest love is the summer months and basking in the warm sunlight.
Max TwoSocks Malone has his own Facebook and Instagram pages where he posts his adventures and about his daily life. He even posted his own version of “the night before Christmas”! It was through social media that I learned about how Angel’s Hope had rescued Max and that’s how he found his way to us in New Hampshire.
He is the sweetest dog we have ever known, which I am sure is why April calls him sweet Max!
We’re so grateful to Max’s family and Mary’s Dogs for helping our sweet Max get his second chance. There’s no greater joy than knowing that a once homeless pup that had lost his way found his family and a place to call home. He’s been truly loved and spoiled for the last 10 years; we couldn’t ask for more for sweet Max.
Another blessing of rescue is the connections made with the families that welcome our pups home. They become a part of the Angel’s Hope family. We share their joys, their hilarious moments, and their hard times.
Sweet Max was recently diagnosed with cancer. His family is making sure that he’s comfortable and enjoying all the best treats, like Baconators! His dad’s words touched our hearts and we know that Max knows he is the best and luckiest boy.
“He has been the best part of our lives. He has lived with so much love. He is home with us until he goes to the meadow. Thank you for rescuing him so we could love him. He is the best boy.” Thank you to his amazing family for loving sweet Max!
Thank you to his amazing family for loving sweet Max!
To see more of the love and joy shared over the last 10 years, take a look back with us here: Max TwoSocks Malone!
Sweet Max went to the Rainbow Bridge shortly before this newsletter went out. We send our deepest sympathy to his family and we’re grateful for the beautiful memories they shared with us. He was a very loved pup and so lucky to have found his family all those years ago.

Lately, I’ve been thinking about what it means to be a friend. Like most thoughts, it was prompted by an external force, but more about that later. The dictionary defines a friend as “a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection”. A simple statement with profound meaning and what’s more, a profound feeling. I work in information technology and sometimes have to write programs. A line of code or definition can have profound meaning singularly, but when you string a few together, the outcome can be monumental. That’s how I think about friendship, a few simple traits strung together may not seem like much, but put into action they can help create a perfect bond.
I had an amazing friend who makes me want to share my thoughts on friendship with everyone I meet. He was often forced to live on the fringe in many societal settings because of the way he looked. But he never allowed it to change how he treated others. You see, he understood that being a friend meant letting bias and fear wash away even when it sometimes hurts, and to just keep letting your very best shine through.
Being present was another gift he mastered. Being present may be a bit overused, but we all understand what it’s like to hold someone’s full attention. The look in someone’s eyes when you know their focus is completely on you can be one of the most comforting feelings in the world. The times when you just hang out, never exchanging a word, watching the big game which may happen to be featured on betting sites like 핑카지노, and just enjoying one another’s company. That was Goose and I.
As a friend, he served as my teacher. He taught me that the small things don’t matter and that letting small things go can be the biggest propellant to your happiness. He taught me that keeping an open mind and an open heart will provide you with endless possibilities in regards to the things that really matter. He taught me to have a friend you have to be a friend.
He not only was a friend and teacher to me, but also to the foster dogs that lived in our home. He was the most patient trainer, playmate, and friend. As a trainer, he was an example for other fosters to follow. He taught them sit. He taught them not to bite too hard. He taught them to enjoy each and every day. As a playmate, he was goofy, playful, and loving. As a friend (yes I openly share him), I hope he was able to convey to the foster dogs what it means to be a friend and have a friend, through what could certainly be an arduous journey to find their forever home.
Some of you don’t know me, so you may not know my friend is a dog by birth, but I assure you the word dog doesn’t do him justice. Probably even fewer of you know he’s my foster failure. And he was one of my greatest failures. My fiancé and I agreed to take him in for heartworm treatment in 2008, but when treatment was complete we couldn’t bear to let him leave.
I didn’t know that I would be tested on all of the lessons he taught me and so many others so soon. You see, my friend was diagnosed with cancer. I can’t explain the feeling of overwhelming sadness when we got the news, but remarkably he kept on being a best friend when I needed it. You see best friends are a blessing in our lives and provide us with the comfort we need most. As my friend battled for his life, I tried to be as strong as possible and to provide the comfort he needed. If our roles were reversed, I know he would not have faltered.
There was a brief moment when I thought maybe we should take a break to concentrate solely on my friend, but that isn’t what Goose and I decided to do. He made it clear that we all needed to keep going. We needed to enjoy the grace brought to us by fellowship with friends and family. We needed to continue to build new friendships and foster Hope so that others may share the bond that Goose and I did, and still do.
So I did what best friends do and I hope I did it well. I was there when he needed me. I certainly spoiled him every occasion I could. When people looked at him with pity, I stood by his side and told them what a fighter he was and how his big Goose smile was still lighting up each and every day of our lives. When he was having his worst week, I carried him where he needed to go, cooked gourmet meals for him, and cleaned up his accidents with a grateful heart and thankfulness that he was still here. The small things that maybe stressed me a bit before, began to fade away as I enjoyed each and every day I had with him.
Goose gave it all he had through radiation and chemo treatments. He enjoyed every warm, sunny day that we were blessed with in the middle of winter. A couple of weeks before we said goodbye, we went on one last beautiful walk. His smile was as bright as the sun that was shining that day. I didn’t know that a few weeks later, we would hold his head in our hands and let him go. We said goodbye to our best friend, best foster brother, and best dog I’ve ever known.

I hope that I did him justice as his friend. I hope that for every smile and happy day that he gave me, I gave him the same in return. The day after he left was one of the most difficult of my life. I wanted to talk to him again and to tell him: My friend, today you are gone from this world and I miss you dearly. I’m not sure if you knew we were with you in the end. It was heartbreaking for us to let you go. We love you and we miss you in all the small things in our day. You were a part of us that died. Your companionship, happiness, and love will go unmatched as far as I’m concerned. Your outlook on life will be one that I refer to often as a measuring stick against how I treat people in this world. I love you Goose and I hope where ever you are that you can feel how much. Goodbye my friend. My best friend.
During his difficult journey, so many asked about him, sent well-wishes, and provided treats, toys, and gifts for him. You made his last Christmas one of his best and the love he felt filled his heart and ours with gratitude. Thank you for being our friend and for bringing joy to our boy’s life.
To see our sweet boy in his role as the greatest foster brother, please take a look at his Album: Goose the Great.

Angel’s Hope, a not for profit animal rescue organization, is proud to announce the successful completion of the first year of their Spay/Neuter and Community Outreach Program in McDowell County, West Virginia. Angel’s Hope, in cooperation with veterinarians and local residents, was able to spay and neuter 38 pets so far during 2015.
The Spay/Neuter and Community Outreach Program aims to helps pet guardians and their beloved cats and dogs in rural, under-served communities throughout southern West Virginia, in particular McDowell County. This county faces economic hardships and many residents do not have access to critical services, including veterinary care, vaccinations, and spay/neuter services for their animals. By helping the residents of McDowell County and their pets, the program serves to reduce the number of dogs and cats that end up homeless or in shelters because of lack of access to low cost spay and neuter resources, as well as minimizing the chances of these animals from contracting dangerous, life threatening diseases by receiving the necessary vaccination. This program is designed to help families keep their beloved pets healthy and safe by providing vouchers for veterinary services.
The Angel’s Hope Spay/Neuter and Community Outreach Program partners with local veterinarians who have committed to providing basic veterinary care needed to keep pets healthy and safe, which Angel’s Hope will provide at no cost to the pet guardians. The vouchers offered will cover a spay or neuter surgery, pain management injection for after surgery, and a rabies vaccine.
The importance of spaying and neutering your pets is evident when you step into any animal shelter. According to the Humane Society of the United States, anywhere between 6-8 million animals enter shelters in America yearly. An average cat can have 3-4 litters per year, with anywhere between 1-8 kittens per litter. The average dog is capable of having 2 litters per year, with anywhere from 1-8 or more puppies per litter, depending on size and breed. Spaying and neutering our animals can have a dramatic impact on the amount of animals entering the shelters or becoming homeless.
Pets that are spayed or neutered through the program also receive a rabies vaccination. Rabies is a serious and fatal viral infection of the nervous system that can be transmitted to humans by animals. Each dog or cat that receives assistance from Angel’s Hope also receives the vaccine to help ensure the safety of the animal receiving treatment, their family, and the community.
Angel’s Hope also provides additional resources to encourage the humane treatment of animals by distributing handouts on pet/human safety, children’s books on the importance of spaying/neutering, and pet-related supplies. This effort is about creating more humane and pet-friendly communities as well as helping younger generations develop positive skills to interact with family pets and other animals.
Angel’s Hope is a not for profit animal welfare organization. The founders and Board of Directors are all McDowell County natives or residents that have a passion for giving back to a community that instilled their benevolence. The organization relies solely on donations, grants, and efforts of its volunteers. If you would like to donate, receive news, or find out more about our organization please go to for more information.
The gift of HOPE is the greatest gift of all…
My adoption story is truly a celebration of courage, trust, loyalty and hope! The recurring and consistent theme lies in hope. Hope is a passion that keeps us going through difficulties. It is the life raft we cling to instead of giving up; what my pet or myself did not know a year ago, was how she would come to give me hope and in turn I would provide her the same. To fully understand the positive impact she has made in my life, I need to recap her journey as well as mine.
Flashback in Mama Rizzo’s time to one year ago. She was alone in a shelter in a rural area of our state.

The adoption group was preparing to travel there to pick up two puppies they had committed to retrieve. At the last minute they were advised our pet was the puppies’ mother. They were not prepared to bring her back with them, however, they could not in good faith leave her behind. She tested positive for heartworms, she had one eye and a small bullet in her leg. Knowing all this, they lovingly took her in, nursed her to health, provided her with the necessary medical care and began to prepare her for placement.
Flashback in my life one year ago. My 86 year old mother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. I had just lost my beloved pet of nine years. I was overwhelmed with work responsibilities. My father’s health was in decline. My life was spinning in a dismal spiral. In February of this year, my life changed forever with the passing of my mother. There are no words for the grief.
A few days after my mother’s death, my niece casually mentioned a post on facebook referencing a dog being placed up for adoption. (She was aware my husband and I wanted another pet but also knew we had not been focused on actively searching). With my first look at Mama Rizzo I felt an instant smile across my face. There she was – there was hope looking at me. There was purpose.

We made an inquiry about her and learned she would be complete with her heartworm treatment in March, she would have eye surgery, be spayed and be ready for placement in April. The adoption group described their concept of an ideal home for Mama Rizzo which would be one that would provide patience, guidance and nurturing. She could be very nervous and fearful when interacting with people, but was responding well to their training.
As we contemplated the decision to officially apply for adoption consideration, I thought about the different dynamics that I believed brought us together. There was courage; the kind of admirable quiet courage of heart, mind and spirit; the kind I believe she possesses that helped see her through her early not so pleasant days. I thought of trust, and how most people have a natural goodness that makes them honest, reliable and true to their word. Regrettably, she had not had good experiences with trust prior to arriving with the adoption group. I thought of loyalty, the faithfulness, never-ending devotion, unrelenting commitment to someone or something. A complete dependability that can be relied on under the most trying circumstances. And then hope. The kind of hope that allows joy to rise out of despair and calm out of trembling. Mama Rizzo and I both needed stability and along with these traits we needed joy and we needed the experience of unconditional love between a pet and their guardian.

We welcomed her to our home in April. As a side unplanned benefit, I retired from work April 1 and my husband did as well. How has she changed my life? She gives me the opportunity to make sweet memories with her. She gives us laughter when she playfully chases her toys. She gives me purpose for moving forward. She gives me a thrill like no other when I return home from daily visits with my Dad. She is normally at her look out post and she recognizes my car from the window. By the time I am parked and walking in the house, she has made her way to the back door with such excitement. Seeing her dance and wiggle chases my blues away in an instant. We are sharing our lives with her as she is sharing hers with us.
She’s keeping my recently retired husband active with daily walks (and for many years I was not successful in persuading him to walk with me!) but she has him hooked! They both look so forward to it! She is quite animated in the mornings when she knows she is moments away from her walk! It’s smiles and laughter as they head out the door! He’s happy, he’s exercising and she is excited beyond measure!

When our day comes to a close and she has finished her dinner, and I lay down for TV time, it is snuggle time! The stillness and calm feeling washes over me and when I look at her laying so quietly, and mull over her past trials and my present grief, I am overcome with calmness and serenity that cannot be explained, except to say she gives me hope.
I believe you can fare well in life if you have someone to love, something to look forward to and something you love to do. While not dismissing my family or friends, I will say she is my someone to love, my something to look forward to and spending time with her is my something I love to do. She and I were brought together in an amazing way with timing being a key factor and while I would want to believe that I “rescued” her, it is in fact the other way around. She has rescued me and given me purpose, inspiration, motivation.
And how exactly did she do it? Just by being her unique self that constantly gives me strength, courage and hope to see me through each day.

To see more of how beautiful Mama Rizzo’s story unfolded, please watch her Thank You video.
Mama Rizzo is HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS this year and we have her amazing family, you, and each and every person that shared her journey to thank. You gave her a gift that changed her life forever-the gift of HOPE and we are grateful.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and New Year filled with HOPE,
April, Sam, Bill, and all of the Angel’s Hope family
It seems like just a short time ago that we met a beautiful dog named Angel on a warm sunny day in March. We did not know at the time that this special girl had a plan for us that would transform our lives. Before we met Angel, we were involved in animal rescue through transports, fostering, and other volunteer activities and enjoyed it all. We had entertained the occasional chat about starting an animal rescue organization, but did not know how or when it would come into fruition.Then came Angel!
As we pulled into the parking lot of the homeless shelter where she was found, Angel was drinking from a kettle and eating from a KFC bowl that the two very kind people that found her were providing her water and food in. Angel was all smiles and tail-wags as she greeted us and thrilled to see that we had brought her a goody bag. She was so excited to play with the toys and enjoy the treats that were just for her. She never let it show that her life before that day had been hard, although the condition of her body told us otherwise. Her new friends gushed over this girl and we knew she had touched their lives as she would ours. We will always be grateful to the wonderful people that showed Angel so much kindness for maybe the first time in her life.

A few days after meeting Angel, we picked her up to take her to the vet and begin treatment for things that are normally expected with homeless dogs- parasites, heartworm disease, fleas/ticks, etc. Angel was also malnourished, so of course she would need good food to help her body heal and begin what we thought was her road to recovery. In addition to the expected parasites and heartworms, Angel was also suffering from a bacterial infection and kidney disease that would not surface until a few days later. Although Angel gave it her all to get well, the years of neglect and abuse were too much and she went peacefully to sleep after 26 days of love and medical care and did not wake up. Though we were heartbroken that this beautiful girl would not overcome the abuse she had suffered, we knew her spirit would live on and change many, many lives.
The short time we spent with Angel was filled with tail-wags and smiles and enjoyed sitting outside under a tree watching the birds. She was a gentle spirit and taught us so many lessons in the time we shared. She also gave us the determination to create an organization that would help give Hope to not only other dogs just like her, but to the people that share this journey. Thank you Angel!
Since meeting Angel and starting Angel’s Hope our lives have changed in ways we could never imagine. We have met so many wonderful friends from all around the world that share our joys and our trials. You indulge our silly side when the foster pups take over our Facebook page with a chompers contest and cry with us when a foster pup is suffering and in need of being surrounded by love. You are there to support us through monetary contributions and by sending food, toys, and other items that keep the foster pups happy and healthy. You send words of encouragement when we need to find our Hope again and smile with us with each life that is saved. When it is time for the foster pups to start the next part of their journey, our amazing rescue partners find the most loving families that welcome our foster pups into their homes and hearts and give them the lives they have dreamed of. These amazing three years would not be possible without each of you!
Since 2011, through your support and generosity one amazing dog named Angel was given 26 days to enjoy being loved and cared for in ways she never had before. She was able to rest and enjoy being snuggled and cuddled instead of living on the streets, continuously hunting for food and shelter. Her smile and tail-wags showed us the gratitude this sweet girl had for the Angel’s Hope community. She left this world knowing that she was so loved and that she had inspired so many people.

Thanks to you, 34 awesome pups have gone from an unknown fate in shelters and lives on the streets to being cherished family members, loved and safe each and every day. Of course the transitions have not always been easy, but you have been here with us each step of the way. You were there when Pixie’s temperature spiked to 106 and she was hospitalized with aspiration pneumonia and when sweet Sophie had to have ¾ of her small intestine removed and the outcome was uncertain for this little three pound girl. You cheered the little gentlemen on as they battled demodectic mange that made their bodies ache and our hearts weep for them. You shared Mondays with Merlin as he battled demodectic mange and entropion of both eyes with the heart of a true champion. You helped Max get his waggle back and gave him and his brother Simon the love and acceptance that helped them grow and shine. You have shared the joy and laughter of each and every foster pup that has shared our home and you have changed their lives, as well as ours.

Today, the newest Angel’s Hope foster pups Lenny and Hammy are enjoying playing in the sunshine and preparing for an amazing journey because we knew the Angel’s Hope community could be counted on to help them along the way. All of this is possible because of you!

We have big dreams for Angel’s Hope for the future including developing a spay/neuter program and community outreach program. We hope that you will share each and every step with us, just as you have for the past three years. Each person that is a part of the Angel’s Hope community makes a difference and together we can create a Hope filled future for the pets that need us.
We cannot wait to see what the next three years bring! Happy Three Years Angel’s Hope!
You are going to want to give up, Don’t! That was the lesson that sweet Sophie brought to the Angel’s Hope community in the spring. Sophie, along with her three siblings, was rescued from a shelter in SC and came to the Angel’s Hope foster program to prepare for wonderful new lives. They were playful pups, full of fun and mischief.
So it happens sometimes with puppies, they developed a stomach virus that quickly made its way through the entire litter. While Sophie’s three siblings recovered after a quick visit to the vet and in less than 24 hours, she was not recovering and after two more trips to the vet it was determined that this little sweet, 3 pound pup had intussusception of the small intestine.
Intussuscetpion of the intestine occurs when one segment of the intestine (the intussusceptum) telescopes into the lumen of an adjacent segment of intestine (the intussuscipiens). Supportive therapy was given to Sophie for two days while she stayed at the vet to attempt to help the issue correct on its own. However, this did not occur and sweet Sophie continued to deteriorate.
We were terrified for our sweet Sophie. She was just a pup, a little over two months old and because of her illness just three pounds at the time of her surgery. We didn’t know if she would survive the surgery or how she would do afterwards, but we knew she didn’t have a chance without it.

The day of her surgery we went to see her before she underwent the procedure and the sparkle had left her. She was despondent, tired, and ready to give up. We took her a stuffed caterpillar and wrapped her in a pink polka dot blanket and the encompassing love of the Angel’s Hope community. We held her and whispered to her all of the things we feared she would never get to hear, if we did not tell her then. “Sophie, we are so honored that we were chosen to be your rescue and foster home. Sophie, there are so many people that love you and are wrapping you up in love. Sophie, you have such an amazing family waiting for you! Do not give up!” We kissed her little head and off to surgery she went.
During the surgery, ¾ of her small intestine had to be removed as it was too damaged to reconstruct. She came through it like a champ and day after day showed us exactly what it means to keep going, even when we feel like giving up.
A few days after her surgery we took a sign for her to let her know that she indeed had “Rocked it like a boss!” She was back to herself, full of puppy kisses and tell wags for everyone she came in contact with. This is what one of the vet techs had to say: “Sophie came to us one sick little pup. We were all so scared for her because she needed surgery to save her life, but she was so tiny and so sick, so much could go wrong. But we couldn’t stop, couldn’t give up on this little life. Even being sick she would still snuggle with you, wanted to give and receive love, so we had to try. She flew through surgery with flying colors! Especially with the amount of diseased intestines removed! And the next day, that sparkle was in her eyes and tail was wagging! Everyone at the hospital loved little Sophie with her pink blanket and caterpillar toy. She was one amazing little pup and I will always remember her!”

Tears come to our eyes as we think about how strong she is and how much determination she had to live and to meet her family. She gave it all she had and today she lives with and is adored by such a special family. This is what they have to say about sweet Sophie today: “Sophie is a perfect fit for our family because she is fun-loving, silly and loves to cuddle. We have never met another dog that loves to kiss as much as she does. Whenever we come home you can see her ears and little eyes peaking over the window sill, then she runs to the door so excited to see us, she really knows how to make you feel special. She is a great big sister to our daughter Keanna, always there to protect her if she thinks she is in trouble. They love to play and snuggle together. We are so lucky to have her as a part of our family and can’t imagine our lives without her.” Sophie had many special people waiting for her on the other side of surgery and she was not going to let anything stop her from starting her new life!

There are many days in animal rescue that we feel like it is time to give up. We feel we could have saved one more. We go over and over scenarios and wished we made better choices. We vow that we will do more and we will try, but there are days that we know even when we give 100%, we will fall short for those that are depending on us. Those are the days that we think back to a little black and white puppy and her determination to get well.
Sophie keeps us going. She inspires us to put one foot in front of the other and to Never Give Up. Thank you Sophie for the beautiful lesson!
Thank you to all that shared her journey, the veterinary staff and techs that cared for her, all that donated for her care, to Mary’s Dogs for finding her an awesome family, and to her wonderful family that loves her so much!

What is one of the best parts of rescue work? The amazing updates we receive on our foster pups! Two very special boys have been going to puppy class and learning so many new things. Their hard work is paying off and both are now graduates of puppy obedience class. High-paws to Caden and Cash!
He can sit, stay, and DANCE! That’s right DANCE! One of the sweetest and most gentle pups we’ve had the honor of fostering is growing up to be a very smart and handsome young man. Congratulations Caden on all of your accomplishments and thank you to your wonderful family for helping you to be such a great pup!
From his family: “Caden (formerly Waylon) is doing GREAT! He is now fully potty trained! He also passed puppy kindergarten where he learned to sit, stay, down, come, and dance on command! In Basic obedience he learned to sit for petting, heel, and walk nicely on a leash.”
When we met Cash at just three months old we knew he was going to make a family so happy. He had facial expressions that could bring a smile to anyone and gave the sweetest puppy kisses.
Mr. Cash passed his AKC Good Citizen Test and obedience class at just 9 months old! Congratulations Cash! You indeed are a very smart pup and your family is awesome for helping you to be the very best pup you can be!
From his family: “From the first time we took little Cash home we knew he was smart. Now he is quite the large boy and a graduate! He even passed the AKC Good Citizen Test as well! He’s almost 9 months old and gets smarter every day.”
Keep up the great work Caden and Cash! You boys are an inspiration to pups all around the world!
“I hear her voice In the mornin’ hour she calls me
The radio reminds me of my home far away
And drivin’ down the road I get a feelin’
That I should have been home yesterday, yesterday
Country roads, take me home To the place I belong …”
-John Denver, Take Me Home

Eight incredible pups made their way to meet their families during the past few months. Simon, Max, Burt, Bo, Oliver, Lady, Dixie, and Stella are all in loving homes enjoying each and every day with their families.
Simon and Max taught many lessons to all that shared their journey; inspiring us to embrace our uniqueness and to show the world how awesome it is to be different. If you need a little inspiration take a look at their video- Simon and Max’s life lessons and how to keep your waggle.
The six sweet pups from West Virginia helped us to enjoy each and every day with lots of playtime! They taught us that it is okay to get a little mud on your paws! Check out their puppy antics in their video- It’s great to get a little mud on your paws!
We made so many wonderful memories that we will reminisce about for many years to come and we are so thankful we had the opportunity to share a part of these very special pups’ lives.
Thank you to our supporters, friends, volunteers, our amazing rescue partner that finds the most loving, wonderful homes for the Angel’s Hope foster pups, and of course the awesome families that open their hearts and homes to our pups! We couldn’t do this without you!
This handsome beagle boy was sad and defeated when we met him. Tired, scared, and covered in ticks Champ needed a champion or two to change his lonely past into a bright and happy future. He found many! From the Good Samaritan that contacted us to Mary’s Dogs to his amazing family.

This sweet boy’s amazing spirit gave us hope each day he was with us. Thank you Snoopy for sharing your sweet, gentle spirit with us!
Snoopy’s Mom had this to say about this wonderful beagle boy: “He is wonderful with the children, great with all four cats (somehow he must have communicated with them because they didn’t hiss or hide ever). He howls in his sleep. He was respectful from the first moment, asking before trying to get up on a couch or bed. Everyone who meets him remarks that he is the gentlest, calmest beagle they have ever met. We lost our dog, Denali at 13 years old just a few weeks before Snoopy came. I thought it might be too soon, but he turned out to be exactly what we needed.”
Thank you to all that became a Champion for Champ, now happily Snoopy!
On April 10th, 2012 Angel’s Hope shared a day of celebrating Angel and the hope that she brought to our lives and to many all around the world. It was a day to share memories, give thanks to the amazing people that she has brought together over the last two years, and to honor her amazing spirit. Thank you Angel!

We would like to thank the wonderful people that give us hope through their generosity, friendships, and that open their hearts and homes to our foster pups.
Thank you to the Mary’s Dogs team for finding the most amazing families and homes for our foster pups! Mary’s team is such a great community and we are very happy to be a part of it and to work together to save the lives of homeless pets in need. Thank you for saving the Angel’s Hope foster pups and giving them wonderful lives!
Thank you to Dog4U, Inc. and Buddy Dog Humane Society for giving Cash and Harley their second chance and for finding them a soft place to rest their heads. These two sweet boys will now enjoy a loving home and create wonderful memories with their families.
Thank you to the amazing and loving families that adopt our foster pups and our supporters, friends, and volunteers.
We have met, held when they were healthy or sick, played with, snuggled, waited anxiously to hear that a family was waiting for them, and eventually cried tears of joy and sadness for every single one of the 22 amazing pups that have been a part of our foster program. Thank you to the families that see their pictures and follow their journeys and decide that their place is with your family.
We know that when our foster pups leave our home they are starting a journey already filled with love and open arms waiting on the other side. This makes the letting go a little easier. Thank you for giving them a home and so much love!
Thank you to our supporters, friends, and volunteers that donate, participate in our fundraisers, share, send words of encouragement, listen to us when we are exhausted and unsure of what is next, and give us Hope when we need it. We could never express our gratitude for your generosity and for caring about our foster pups and Angel’s Hope. Thank you!